So things are a little up and a lot of down right now? I know! I’m not immune to all the negativity and fear either; please know you are not alone. To help you out during this time, I decided to take a proactive rather than reactive approach to COVID-19 life.

Moving Past Day 2

I’m usually am feeling all the most positive vibes, and they help me stay focussed. Then BAM! Out of nowhere, it’s like I remember what’s happening,and I am filled with fear – I become lost, helpless and upset.

Since January, the world suddenly got super mental. Every single goal of mine has been derailed. It turns out the universe had some other plans in store for me and you.

I am so tired of 2020 already – I am not going down without fighting back – fuck you 2020… I fight to win!

Positive Changes

What plans have come to a halt for you? Are business launches now looking very different? 

For some, you know its time for a positive change, maybe you’ve decided it’s time to finally start that side hustle or upskill to take more control of your career and future?

No matter where you are in the world be sure to reach out to the many sex worker communities online promoting positive thinking and forward-focused planning... Sin By Design is one place to start.

Even though we have said goodbye to a few of our staffers due to quarantine and lockdown, we are remaining open online during the COVID-19 crisis time in Sydney and Melbourne HQ.

Free Mentoring For Sex Workers

We have launched our new COVID-19 Temporary services which include free mentoring sessions with myself. If you would like to lock in a time with me, you can do that here

We will be working on new projects with you.

Not sure if you saw my recent announcement on Twitter and Instagram? SBD will be launching our online learning centre “Perversity” way ahead of schedule… even before we have finished the website.

FREE Escort Digital Marketing Online Course

I will be offering my course via Sin By Design and Perversity.

It is 6-hours to maximise your adult business online by using the fantastic resources available to you.

Each segment will be launched on the SBD website until the Perversity website nears completion in a few weeks.

Be Kind To Yourself

Can I ask you to do me a favour? 

During this time, I want you to be kind to yourself. Appreciate and applaud all your efforts to succeed and open your mind to all growth possibilities that may occur in this time. 

  • Remind yourself daily of your inner strength
  • Check-in with your happiness and energy
  • Be creative
  • Turn OFF Netflix, the news and get out of those PJ’s… do something each day to prepare your business for when this over.

Limit your time in areas that bum you the fuck out.

If your partner won’t shut up about the pending apocalypse.

If the news is too negative all the bloody time.

When your housemate uses the last TP roll and left you the insert for your dump… walk away and breath before you act.

Learn to become PROACTIVE rather than REACTIVE.
 Seek out daily positivity, because it is still there waiting for you to rediscover it…

Silver Linings To Check Out & Keep Your Vibes High

  • China has blue skies from not manufacturing
  • Italy Residents are singing and dancing on their balconies
  • The Italian canals are clear with little pollution
  • Amazon is hiring 10,000 new staff!
  • You can still buy shares in video-focused social media apps
  • You now have the time you didn’t have to focus on other things
  • You can become a patron of Perversity (info coming soon)

Reminder:You get to create a world that is full of the energy and positivity that you want. 

Find your tribe and vibe – plug into that source as little or as often as you like. Your spirit will thank you for it immensely.

Changes & Pivots

From the business front with Sin By Design, not a lot has changed, but everything is changed and a lot of those changes are for the better. We will be announcing some absolutely wicked news over the next few weeks.

For now, we are focusing on:

  • online workshops and online courses with perversity
  • 1:1 online coaching – free
  • copywriting services
  • the ultimate website guide
  • website design and development 
  • Square Space packages (announced soon)
  • SEO packages
  • business assessment services
  • gift card service (instant deposits)
  • client sponsorship of (details coming soon)
  • launching our new website too!
  • Sin Podcast Relaunch
  • Securing more businesses to work alongside

We have had to reschedule:

  • brand launches
  • photoshoots
  • video shoots
  • events
  • physical workshops
  • meetings

Damn, all those changes hurt the piggy bank….yet we are still planning for when this over and always encourage you to prepare too!

With that in mind, don’t forget of the fantastic creatives we work with, and who support our businesses daily. 

They are equally as put out by this crisis and deserve lots of retweets, likes, shares! Give them some lovin’ and a show of support.


  • Richard Arthur – Sydney
  • Evelyn Hunt – Melbourne
  • Danial Gowans – Sydney
  • Hello Miss Photography – Wanderlusting
  • Gary Santos – Melbourne
  • Kounelli Photography – Sydney
  • Sniper Shoots – Melbourne
  • Deluxe Images – Sydney

Hair and Makeup

  • The Make-Over Dolls (Nicola) – Sydney
  • Provocative Beauty (Julia) – Sydney
  • Melissa Helena – Melbourne
  • Krystal Garcia – Melbourne
  • Karyssa Leigh – Sydney

In times like these functional changes happen too!

So with this said, what within your business will you pivot for the better? 

It’s not a time to tear it all down and start again (unless you want to). It’s a time to see what you can offer to help your clients out in a way that feels connected to your worth.

It’s time to explore new possibilities and diversify.

This is your time to slingshot!

If you’re stuck indoors, aimlessly scrolling through social media feeds, reading this email with more time than you’ve ever had to read emails and you’re longing for an outlet to use your fantastic brain…

Then could it be time to finally start your online business, or maximise it to full potential?


Before I leave you today, here are some things you can do purposefully through this time:

  1. Use this time for all its worth. This will mean different things to different people. Whatever popped into your brain when reading this, is the exact thing you’re meant to be doing. Trust your gut!
  2. Up-skill and study. It could be time to invest in your business by expanding your knowledge… podcasts, books, youtube, courses, hiring an online coach is good too.
  3. Tune-up, enrich your soul. Find ways to connect with your spirit and strengthen your inner compass. Tap into it to future proof the way you approach life/ career/ biz 

I am sending my love at this time and have one final request…

Before you go, can you do me a favour?

Hit reply and tell me how I can help you in your business? What’s the question you have on repeat in your head? What is it that you’re not sure how to approach or solve?

I’ll personally be responding and helping you during this time over the next few days.